Generate Thousands of Dollars in Publicity Without Spending a Cent (ebook)


Shel Horowitz, owner of this website and author of this brand new ebook, has been quoted multiple times each in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, ABC TV News, Redbook, Reader’s Digest, and many other top-tier media. He does at least 30 interviews in a typical year, sometimes 50 or more.

Here, he reveals his secrets for using a no-cost service to get in front of reporters who have posted who are actively looking for sources for a story they’re working on—and to be chosen as a source.


Publicity provides all-important 3rd-party credibility: a trusted source says you’re worth some attention—and it costs you nothing!

Shel Horowitz, owner of this website and author of this brand new ebook, has been quoted multiple times each in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, ABC TV News, Redbook, Reader’s Digest, and many other top-tier media. He does at least 30 interviews in a typical year, sometimes 50 or more.

Here, he reveals his secrets for using a no-cost service to get in front of reporters who are actively looking for sources for a story they’re working on—and to be chosen as a source. It’s so much easier to get press by giving a journalist the exact information they need to write a story than to “spray and pray” by sending press releases or cold-calling.

After passing on many reporters’ source queries to friends and seeing the errors they made in their responses, Shel wrote this ebook on how to answer those queries the right way. In 41 pages, it serves up…

• Why query responses work so much better than press releases

• How to sign up for the notifications (no cost to receive the queries, and no cost to reply to them)

• A 10-step process for writing effective query responses

• Seven actual queries (by Shel and four other people) that resulted in coverage in Reader’s Digest, the Toronto Globe and Mail, and elsewhere—with analysis of why they worked and how some of them could have been even better

• Detailed analysis of a client’s first draft—and the successful rewrite

• Three queries that failed, and again, detailed examination of why

• Three bonus reports: How to Write Press Releases that Actually Get Media Coverage—and Your Prospects’ Attention (incudes 10 full or partial actual “story-behind-the-story” press release examples); Ten Other Services That Get You in Front of Journalists and Show Producers; and How to Get Superstars to Endorse Your Book—discussing some of the ways Shel gets endorsements or guest essays from Chicken Soup for the Soul co-creator Jack Canfield, futurist Seth Godin, Cynthia Kersey (author of Unstoppable and Unstoppable Women), Frances Moore Lappe, author of Diet for a Small Planet, and the founder of the Guerrilla Marketing concept, Jay Conrad Levinson (who later co-authored two books with him).